This week’s freebie roundup features free MLK activities. I think it’s important that children learn about history, and as SLPs, we can play a role in teaching students about historical events and people. In this post, I’ve included several activities that work well for teletherapy and in-person sessions. I’ve also included 4 YouTube videos that you can use during your session to teach about Martin Luther King Jr.
A special thank you to Carrie Lutz, Darling Ideas, Setting the Standard, Speech Therapy Plans, SLPinColorado, and Miss Esther TPT for creating and giving away these awesome activities! Give them some love by following their stores.

Grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Making Inferences Martin Luther King Jr. Passage
by Carrie Lutz
This freebie includes one MLK passage that can be used in three ways depending on what you are teaching. Students can identify key statements, identify what a statement means, or both. The author has provided all three options for you to choose from! For kids who are just learning to make inferences, I like to use the page that provides the inference and then we look back at the text to find the supporting statement.

Grades Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd
Martin Luther King Jr. Mini Book
by Darling Ideas
This cute mini book also serves as a coloring book. You can use it to target answering “wh” questions by asking questions after each page. For my teletherapy students, I use the highlighter tool on Zoom to color the pictures on each page. You also can also use the virtual highlighter tool to highlight keywords or the answers to questions.
Here are some vocabulary words you can target with this book:
- influenced
- separate
- minister
- equality
- disagree
- protest
- peacefully

Grades 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Martin Luther King Jr. Interactive Notebook
by Setting the Standard
This freebie has two options. One option is to use the QR code activity which takes a little bit of time to prepare and is more fit for in-person sessions. Your other option is to use the MLK information cards which are a total of 6, one-page passages that can be used to work on answering “wh” questions, summarizing and recalling details.

Not Grade Specific
Martin Luther King Day Freebie
by Speech Therapy Plans
This MLK freebie packet includes several activities. The author has kindly provided ideas for targeting speech and language goals. I used the coloring page, MLK passage, and the word search. With the coloring page, I targeted following directions with embedded concepts “before” and “after.” For teletherapy sessions, I used the Zoom highlighter tool for coloring.
Older students in a group worked on the word search. I used a timer to make it competitive. Each word was then used to formulate a sentence.
The passage can be used to work on comprehension. For students working on compare and contrast, I pulled up this passage and another passage about the same length. We used a Venn diagram to write down details learned from each passage and details that were communicated in both passages. You can also work on compare and contrast by comparing information from a passage with information from a video. See YouTube videos at the end of this post.

Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
MLK Listening Comprehension
by SLPinColorado
This freebie includes 13 comprehension quickies that you can use to target listening comprehension or reading comprehension. There is also a list of vocabulary words that you can match to the provided definition.
I adapted the activity for teletherapy by enlarging each task card or word so that my student could read the text. To work on synonyms, I let the student pick the word they wanted to work on first and then used the whiteboard feature on Zoom to create a synonyms list for all of the words. We then read through the definitions on the worksheet and the student had to figure out the word.

Grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Martin Luther King Jr. Digital Task Cards
by Miss Esther TPT
This activity is a boomcard which is awesome for teletherapy! It includes 3 different tasks.
- synonyms
- word search
- true or false
The activity should be paired with a passage of your liking (several options on this blog post) and/or a video. Once that has been completed, I recommended using this boomcard.
If you don’t already have a free boomcards account, you can create one HERE.