St. Patrick’s Day is almost here and I’m planning on introducing this theme this week. There are tons of freebies out there. I spent some time searching through them and found eight St. Patrick’s Day freebies that I’ll be using.
At the end of this blog, I’ve linked an article from the National Geographic website that will be good to use with older students who have reading comprehension goals. There is also a link to a short YouTube video clip that explains the history of St. Patrick’s Day. My plan is to do a compare and contrast activity where we use a Venn diagram to write down things we learned from the article and things we learned from the video. I have several students on my caseload who are working on main idea and supporting details. I’ll be using the article and the video clip with those kiddos.
Hope you find these activities useful as you plan your themed lesson!
All of these activities are Boomcards. If you don’t already have a free account, you can quickly get one here.
A special thank you to My Speecher, SLP Tree, Sparkly Speech Girl, Seldom Speechless, Emily B Speech, WNYslpchelsea, The Petite Speech Geek and onthegoslp for creating and giving away these awesome activities! Give them some love by following their stores.

Grades Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
by My Speecher
This cute articulation game targets F, G, L, S, Z, Sh, Th, initial R, Mixed R, R-blends, L-blends, and S-blends. The author also included blank cards for open-ended play. I plan on using it with a mixed group. You can use the pictures to “find” an object in a given category, practice articulation, or work on following directions (i.e. move the goat then move the gorilla).

Grades PreK, K, 1st, 2nd
St Patrick's Day Minimal Pairs
by SLP Tree
If you’re working on final consonant deletion, here’s a St. Patrick’s Day freebie that targets this goal with minimal pairs. The visuals are great to help students understand the difference between the words when you leave a final sound out.

Grades Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd
St. Patrick's Day Articulation Game
by Sparkly Speech Girl
This freebie targets initial /l/ while filling a truck with St. Patrick’s Day theme pictures. You can also use it for working on final /k/ in a drill activity where the student has to say a structured sentence such as “in the truck” every time they fill the truck with a coin, clover or horseshoe.

Grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
St. Patrick's Day Leprechaun Guess the Word
by Seldom Speechless
This cute game is a twist on the classic game of hangman. It’s great to use as a reinforcement at the end of a session. I plan on using it to work on formulating sentences while using St. Patrick’s Day vocabulary. For some students, I think it will be helpful to use this activity at the end of a session after they have been exposed to the vocabulary words during other activities.

Grades PreK, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd
Build a Leprechaun Potato
by Emily B Speech
What kid doesn’t love potato head!? This is going to be a go-to for my preschoolers. I plan on using it as reward for some kids and as a therapy activity for other kiddos on my caseload who are working expanding length of utterances.

Grades K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Where is the Leprechaun? Later Sounds Articulation
by WNYslpchelsea
This is a motivating articulation activity where you have to find the leprechaun hidden under a coin. As always, I like to use articulation games for multiple purposes so I’ll also be using this with kids working categories and attributes. Target sounds:
- Initial/Medial/Final — Voiced TH
- Initial/Medial/Final — Voiceless TH
- Initial/Medial/Final — R
- Initial/Medial/Final — L
- Initial/Medial/Final — S
- Initial/Medial/Final — Z
- Initial/Medial/Final — SH

Grades PreK, Kindergarten
I Spy St. Patrick's Day Object Functions
by The Petite Speech Geek
This freebie uses GIFS which kids always find more engaging. Use it to work on identifying objects when given a function. You can also use it to work on naming more items in a given category.

Grades PreK, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd
The Leprechaun Diner
by onthegoslp
This cute freebie will be great for my early intervention and preschool clients working on food vocabulary and the verb eat. It offers many opportunities to label foods and use the verb “eat” as you feed the leprechauns. I’m planning on having plastic food with me and feeding a puppet the foods that the leprechaun is eating. For little ones who are working on imitation of sound effects, this is a great activity to work on sounds like “yum,” “mmm,” “yummy,” “eeeuw,” and “yuck.”
National Geographic Article
You can use this article to work on reading comprehension. The information is in sections so you could just read a couple of sections or read all of the sections. I plan on using teletherapy annotation tools to underline important details or words that I want to review.
YouTube Video
You can use this video to work on listening comprehension or recalling details after listening to information. Just pause the video periodically and ask your student a question. It’s also a good video to use when introducing the St. Patrick’s Day theme for that week of therapy.